Ready to Travel More?

Imagine being able to travel more this year, without having to eat only ramen, staying on someone’s couch, or using unethical practices…

So, you would like to travel more, but cannot afford to, huh?

Well, not far along ago, I was in the same boat. Well, not exactly a boat, as those are expensive, but I was crying in poor-ish myself as well.

And after I turned my life around and became less poor (I’m still not rich, damn it!), I started wishing I could travel more without having to sell my soul (as no one offered to buy it anyway).

After visiting more than 30 countries, some of them being considered deluxe destinations (like the Maldives and Seychelles), I feel ready to share my knowledge with you.

I just wish I can help you enjoy the benefits of traveling more, even if you can barely afford one trip a year. If one trip becomes two, that’s double the fun and double the awareness, and I call that a success.

Where would you go if you would suddenly have one more trip a year available to you?

You might think that no matter how much you try, you’ll never have enough money to travel. You might also think that any savings you’ll manage to make will only scratch the surface and won’t actually improve your travel experience. Here are a few examples of actual results I had with some of these budget tips.

Let’s play a game. Which of these budget-limiting activities do you think you can pull off right now?

  • Pay $100 for roundtrip flight tickets to Rome for 2 people (within Europe)
  • Stay in a 4-star hotel in Japan for the price of a 3-star one (without any risks or unethical practices)
  • Visit museums and observation decks for FREE in some of the most visited places like Stockholm and Tokyo
  • Get a 25% discount on all products in a souvenir and jewelry store aimed at tourists in Spain

Everything you need to get similar or better results is in this eBook.


185 tips on how to travel on a low budget

The eBook will give you ALL the tools you need to spend less while traveling

Here’s what you’ll get

In this short and sweet guide, you’ll learn how to spend less in all areas of travel expenses by implementing actionable tips, most of which are not available anywhere else online.


  • Learn how to plan better so you can save more
  • Learn to be prepared for all scenarios
  • Be mindful of your budget even before you leave

How to get cheap flight tickets

  • This is the area where you can make big savings
  • The money saved here rarely means worse service
  • It’s just a way to get to the destination, so why would you pay big bucks for it?

Finding cheap places to stay​

  • Choose the perfect accommodation for your needs
  • It does not include options like staying on someone’s couch or in hostels
  • Find good ways to discover affordable luxury

Packing your bags​

  • Learn the art of packing light
  • How packing can affect your budget
  • Choose your priorities based on budget

How to eat on a budget​

  • Find the best restaurants at a fraction of the cost
  • It does not include options like McDonald’s every day
  • Eat on a budget on vacation without instant ramen

Spend less on transportation

  • Use the public transportation
  • When do you rent a car?
  • Environmentally-friendly options

How to spend less on activities​

  • Get free or discounted entries to landmarks
  • Enjoy walking tours in various ways
  • Get to see what you want without breaking the bank

How to shop on a budget​

  • Finding the perfect souvenirs
  • Making the best buying decisions
  • What and where to buy from

BONUS: Recommended resources

  • Services I use to minimize my spending
  • Products that can help you travel cheaper
  • The tools you need to make the best decisions

Everything you need to travel on a low budget is in this eBook.​

What are my readers saying…

Features and Benefits

  • table of contents that’ are’s linked to the pages – allows you to navigate easily
  • has only the important information, no “fluff” – you can apply these tips right away
  • short, actionable tips – you don’t have to be a specialist to be able to apply these tips
  • very neatly organized (see chapter list below) – you can refer to your particular situation
  • can be used digitally as an eBook or printed – it’s easy to use even when on the road
  • can be read on any device, from Kindle to mobile phones, so you can read anywhere, anytime
  • budget-friendly as you’re not buying a physical item – you’re already saving some money 🙂
  • no waiting time for delivery – INSTANT download, so you can start planning right away
  • very easy to print and use – you don’t need to be tech-savvy to use this ebook
  • contains plenty of helpful information all in one place – you don’t need to look it on multiple sites

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I find these tips online?

Some of them yes, but definitely not all of them. There are some that for sure you cannot find anywhere else. And there’s no other place where you can find them all together. You can usually find a few on each site, and you’d have to read hundreds of online resources.

I’m on a budget, should I buy this eBook?

Yes, “because” you’re on a budget, not “in spite of” being on a budget. This small investment that you’re doing right now will help you spend less in the future, so it will pay for itself rather soon.

Will I learn how to budget in my daily life so I can afford to travel more?

No, this eBook is not about organizing your personal finance. It only contains information on travel related expenses and how to limit them.

Who are you to tell me how to travel on a budget?

Well, I was born and raised in a pretty low-income family, so I know how it is to not be able to afford stuff. My first flight was when I was 30, and I could only afford it because I used one of these tips. I still travel on a  budget, even if now I can maybe afford more, as I always prefer to travel more for the same amount of money than to splurge on a week of vacation a year.

Does this eBook advise me to use a credit card?

Uhm, no, as I personally don’t use this. You can do this though, if you would anyway use your credit card for your daily expenses. Personally, I don’t think there’s such a thing as “free” money, so I suspect these credit card deals are getting their money somehow anyway…

Will I find discounts in this eBook?

Yes, you will. These discounts are personally negotiated by me with various service providers and are only available here. I am always in contact with travel-facing organizations so I can offer you better value and information.

Can I ask you more questions?

Sure! I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. Just drop me a line on my contact page.

Zermatt view with a paraglider in sight

Hi, I’m Cristina


And who am I to teach you how to spend less while traveling? Well, not so long ago I was also a broke young woman dreaming of traveling. After I turned my life around and became less broke (I am still not rich, damn it!), I started wishing I could travel more without having to sell my soul (as no one offered to buy it anyway).

Now, I still travel on a budget, even if I can maybe afford more. It’s that “growing-up-poor” mentality that will never leave me, I assume. But I am also a bit too old for hostels, crappy trains, and hitchhiking, and I really hope the days of only instant ramen are well beyond me.

This is why this eBook contains all the cool tips that I’ve learned after visiting more than 15 countries, but it doesn’t tell you to give up your dignity while doing so. Because you know what? You deserve a nice trip, not only a cheap trip. You deserve more!

Let’s travel more without increasing your budget!

Here’s a little reminder of what you’re going to get…

  • Learn how to limit you travel related expenses
  • These tips are personally tested by me, so I know for sure they WORK
  • None of these tips include you eating only bread and butter every day or staying only in hostels
  • Discount codes are included so you can save even more
  • You don’t waste time reading hundreds of tips online and hoping to find some that work
  • There’s at least one tip that will apply to every trip, so you save money every time you travel